At 6.30 pm on Wednesday 30 June 2021, the Flag of the Mediterranean will be hoisted. Flash Mob / Celebration for the first anniversary of the only flag that is good to live for, never fight, declare war or die. General call: everyone hoist the flag on their boat, in the gardens, on the terraces. Everywhere.

Awareness of the need for a Mediterranean Flag was born aboard Mediterranea at the end of 7 years of navigation in the Mediterranean. We navigate to meet, know, understand. To then come back and tell what we saw, the great journalist and correspondent from Athens, Antonio Ferrari, told us. And the crew of Mediterranea between 2013 and 2019 met and got to know the people of the Mediterranean region – intellectuals, artists, journalists and philosophers – each time recounting the contents of the meetings that were held on board or in the various locations of the Italian Institutes of Culture that hosted us. Simone Perotti, creator and co-founder of the expedition, concluded each interview with the question: “What does it mean for you to be a person from the Mediterranean?” From the many answers obtained, all coinciding with the essential value of belonging to the Mediterranean, the urgency to recognize the role that the Mediterranean root has within the macro-area of ​​the Mediterranean arose. This cannot be ignored.

A homogeneous people lives on the shores of the Mediterranean and distinguishing the south shore from the north shore is now to be considered a mere exercise of style, without any real cultural separation, because the one desired by the governments is an Invisible Frontier that separates two shores that are actually homogeneous, connected from the same sea.

The Mediterranean is a wound of the soul that will never be closed, never forgotten. Yet, every morning, life prevails and triumphs (…) says Tahar Ben Jelloun. And the Mediterranean, it is true, looks like a map of fractures, today more than ever. An army of people representing economic, political and religious interests works to its disintegration every day. Unlike the European Union, which is supported, revitalized and revived every day by hundreds of “health workers” legitimized by their institutional role within the Union, founded on economic principles. This is how the Euro-Mediterranean region presents itself: unbalanced on both sides, the economic one, the cultural one.

Usually, those who are injured, but do not fall, are destined to prevail, to continue, to resist and are candidates for growth, for the right proceeding. For this reason we have seen and see the Mediterranean as a resource, a hope and a prospect. In the decay of values ​​and in the environmental devastation we are witnessing helpless and apathetic, the Mediterranean therefore assumes a role, as a beacon and guide for a possible alternative, because nowhere like the Mediterranean is there such a coexistence of diversity and such richness. of possible perspectives.

For these reasons, last year the Progetto Mediterranea Association launched the initiative “A flag for the Mediterranean” conceived and strongly supported by Simone Perotti. Because when all seems lost, hoisting a flag has the flavor of revenge.

And the Mediterranean Flag was born. From the more than 1000 proposals received by the Association from more than 800 professional designers, students, children and enthusiasts, after an initial internal selection, the 4 most voted proposals were submitted to the public vote on social media and on the media Bolina, La Stampa and Linea Blu of Rai Uno who accompanied and told the different stages of the initiative. The Flag of the Mediterranean was born on 30 June 2020, from the proposal of 3 Sicilian university students, Salvatore Scollo, Hushmand Toluian and Guglielmo Persano, who together identified what will be the symbol of the future United States of the Mediterranean.

June 30, 2021 will therefore be the flag’s first anniversary. It will be the Mediterranean Flag Celebration Day. And the people of the Mediterranean are invited to participate in the great widespread event that we are organizing by hoisting the flag on their boats, on the roofs of the houses, on the terraces, in the garden. Follow us on social networks and on the website, participate with us in the big event by organizing small local events, send us videos and photos of your flag blowing in the wind above your heads.

At 6:30 pm on Wednesday 30 June we will hoist the Flag of the Mediterranean, the only flag that is good to live for. A flag that has never been and is now there.